AFSIC African Investments Dashboard Guidelines

Tips from Seasoned Investors when making a Pitch

Give investors a reason to care

  • what is the problem/issue/opportunity?
  • be succinct and clear about your opportunity
  • have a great narrative which inspires and compels interest
  • make a video and pitch your project for the type of investors you seek

Why should investors back you?

  • What is your track record to date?
  • What is your credibility and depth of expertise in your team?
  • How will you deliver on your mandate?
  • Differentiate yourself from competitors
  • Make sure your website, pitch and all investor documents are consistent

Why do you need investors?

  • What is the next step for your business to grow?
  • Be clear on your capital requirements – type of capital and amount you need
  • How will the funding be used to create value in your business?

Dashboard Use Guidelines

Accessing the Dashboard for the First Time

  1. Register by clicking on the “Click here to Register” Link on the welcome box
  2. Enter your email address into the welcome box, click Login and you will receive a code direct to your email inbox. You do not need a password. If the code is not received within a reasonable period of time, please check your junk box for a mail from and mark as a safe sender for future Dashboard visits
  3. Enter the code into the welcome box (you may need to refresh the page if the code is not accepted)
  4. A new page will open allowing you to Edit your Personal Details and to Add a New Investment Proposition

Accessing the Dashboard after the First Time

  1. Enter your email address used for registration into the welcome box, click Login and you will receive a code direct to your email inbox
  2. Enter the code into the welcome box
  3. Your Dashboard will open allowing you to access the following
    • Edit your Personal Details
    • Edit or delete your existing Investment Proposition(s)
    • Add another new Investment Proposition

Guidelines for Adding a New Investment Proposition

Please note: This Dashboard only accepts projects seeking capital that are supported by regulated financial intermediaries or government agencies or which have appropriate investor documentation prepared including a Teaser, financial plan and an Information Memorandum or detailed presentation.

If your project does not meet this requirement, please list on our alternative Africa Business Opportunities Dashboard.

At this stage we are only accepting submissions in English.

Need Help From an Advisor?

If you are unable to precisely articulate the information above, you may wish to engage the services of a financial advisor or consultant who can provide advice on the capital raising process and prepare the project/company information in a format suitable for investors.

If you require assistance in locating an advisor in your region, please search our Africa Business Community. Use the drop-down selection boxes to find an advisor in your region. For example, select the Ghana as the Supplier’s Country and Corporate Advisory as the Business Service Required to find and contact a selection of Corporate Advisory firms in Ghana.

Kindly refer to our Disclaimer and Privacy Policy for information on the terms of use of the AFSIC African Investments Dashboard.

Entity Details

Deal Name for Your Internal Use

This is an internal field for your use allowing you to identify each of your deals quickly. This field is not visible to investors.

Best Description of Your Organisation

Choose the from the drop down list.

Country of Incorporation

The country in which the entity requiring capital is registered. Choose from a drop down list

Business Sector(s)

The sector(s) which describe your company’s main business sector of operation. More than one can be selected.

Countries where you Operate

The country/countries in which the project is operating. More than one can be selected.

Make the deal public – yes/no?

A deal marked public will be viewable by investors in our network once it is approved by the African Investments team.  Mark the deal as not public if the information on this form is incomplete or if the deal is not yet ready to show investors.

Your Current Sales Revenue p.a.

Choose from the drop down list

Minimum and Maximum Investment Sought

Enter the mininum and maximum investment amount per investor that you are seeking in US dollars. For example if you are seeking US$10m and the minimum investment amount that you’ll accept from any investor is $1m and the maximum is $10m, then enter 1 in the minimum box and 10 in the maximum box.

Corporate Video Link

We strongly recommend that you prepare a high-quality 2-3 minute video introducing your MD and outlining the opportunity. If you have a corporate video or a video pitch, add the URL link here


Add the URL of your corporate website

Investment Opportunity Details

Short Investment Headline

Write a short headline statement that captures your investment opportunity – 100 character limit.

Executive Summary of Business

Provide a clear, succinct description of your business proposition. You can include

  1. Your investment opportunity – What is the product you are generating or the problem you are solving or business you are expanding?
  2. Your traction to date – What progress have you made so far with this business? Are you currently profitable? What contracts or customers or licences have you secured?
  3. What is the growth potential for this business?
  4. What are the company’s assets?
  5. The need for capital – What will the funds be used for?
  6. How will your business generate revenues and an attractive return for investors with the funding?
  7. Key financial forecast figures – summarise the expected return on capital invested as per your feasibility study / financial plan / business plan
  8. Include links to any documents that will help investors understand the opportunity eg. investment pitch deck

Executive Team Summary

Investors place a lot of emphasis on the quality of the management and technical teams behind an investment proposition. Use this space to briefly highlight the strengths and relevant experience of your key team members to demonstrate why investors should back your company. Provide links to your website or to a professional Human Resources site or on the African Business Network at

Proposed Investment Transaction (US$)

Clearly state

  1. how much capital you are seeking to raise (in US dollars)
  2. the type of capital ie. debt or equity or other type of financial instrument

Overview of Financial Performance

Briefly outline the company’s historic financial performance, the projected financial performance and advise whether financial statements and a financial plan or feasibility study are available. If this is confidential information, then please state that this information can be made available under a non-disclosure agreement.

Overview of Market

Provide a brief overview of the market size and any critical information on your competition

Contact Information for Further Details

The person/persons who can be contacted if there is investor interest in your proposition – include a name and email address as a minimum